The Hudson Tunnel Project has Three Major Components

  1. New, Two-Track Hudson River Tunnel: A new, two-track Hudson River rail tunnel will be constructed between the Bergen Palisades in New Jersey to Manhattan.
  2. Hudson Yards Concrete Casing, Section 3: A third and final rail right-of-way preservation section will be built underneath Hudson Yards in New York. This will eventually allow trains to travel between the new Hudson River Tunnel and the existing Penn Station New York.
  3. North River Tunnel Rehabilitation: The existing tunnel beneath the Hudson River, which has suboptimal service reliability its and antiquated design, and was severely damaged during Superstorm Sandy, will be rehabilitated.

These three components will improve reliability, resiliency, and redundancy for hundreds of thousands of daily passengers who travel across the Hudson River, and allow for much-needed repairs on an essential stretch of the Northeast Corridor. Upon completion of the Hudson Tunnel Project, four tracks (two in the new Hudson River Tunnel and two in the North River Tunnel) will be available between New Jersey and New York under the Hudson River, which allow for operational flexibility and redundancy for Amtrak and NJ TRANSIT rail operations to maintain current capacity levels.


The Hudson Tunnel Project will provide long-term resiliency, reliability, and redundancy to the regional and national rail network for the NJ TRANSIT and Amtrak customers that rely on these rail services, and in doing so, substantial social, economic, and environmental benefits:

  • Eliminate a single point-of-failure for the region whose economy drives a sizable portion of America’s gross domestic product (GDP)––the New York regional economy and the Northeast corridor mega-region contribute 10% and 20%, respectively, of the nation’s GDP.
  • Create over 95,000 direct, indirect, and induced jobs over the Project’s construction period.
  • Stimulate the economy by generating $19.6 billion in economic activity over the Project’s construction period.
  • Utilize U.S. suppliers and manufacturers through the Buy America requirement that applies to federally funded purchases, as well as the federal provisions regarding participation by disadvantaged businesses.
  • Avoid greenhouse gas emissions on already overcrowded roads by making train use more attractive and reliable. Without the Hudson Tunnel Project, North River Tunnel repairs would cause two million additional tons of carbon to be released into the atmosphere. This is the equivalent of flying 2.6 million people from New York to San Francisco.
  • Provide long-term climate resiliency. As the planet gets warmer and the weather more unpredictable, it is important that our rail infrastructure is built accordingly. The Hudson Tunnel Project will provide long-term resiliency, reliability, and redundancy to mitigate extreme weather events.


GDC is acutely aware of the multifaceted impacts construction can have on our environment, society, and economy.

In line with the sustainability commitments outlined in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) for the HTP, our sustainability team has adopted a life cycle perspective, integrating sustainability considerations into every phase of our project packages. This dynamic approach allows us to weave environmental, social, and economic sustainability deeply into the fabric of the HTP, embodying a truly holistic sustainability approach.

Our full Sustainability Plan is available here, and project-specific reports for active construction projects are linked below.


The Pennsylvania Railroad began design and construction of the existing North River Tunnel in February 1903 and  it was opened to revenue service in November 1910. The two-track North River Tunnel was State of the Art for the early 20th century. The result is a one-track-in, one-track-out system between New York and New Jersey. As such, there is very limited flexibility when incidents occur in the tunnel.

Service reliability through the North River Tunnel was already suboptimal because of the tunnel’s age and design, but it was further compromised by flood damage caused by Superstorm Sandy in 2012.